Imagine Tripling your PROFITS, increasing your business EXPOSURE and enhancing your customers' ENGAGEMENT
with an affordable Hollywood Style Video Production.

Do you struggle with not having enough sales?
Would more customers mean more profits for you?
Are you ready for an easy & affordable solution?

Thank you for expressing your interest.

There is no need to look any further.

This handbook that all business owners should have, provides you with simple and effective techniques that will give you a greater and better chance to expose your business to tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, or if you like millions of more customers who are just waiting to hear about your product, service or business.  Thus increasing your sales, profits, brand awareness and customer satisfaction like you have never seen before.

In this Powerful More, More, More Companion it will:

Quiet on Set
Quiet on Set
Explain to you the Little Unknown secret ways to more Sales, without costing you any advertising money.
Lights Illumination
Illuminate the brilliance of the 5 Step Strategy that can be put into action to speed the process of reaching your goals of financial freedom.
Power of Video Productions
Capture you in the Power of Storytelling and how this helps businesses reach their goals faster, better and longer with a proven fool-proof formula.
Cash For Business
Strengthen the customer confidence in you, building a stronger connection between sales, profits and a sustainable successful business.
Cash For Business
Goals & Achievements
Talented Producer & award-winning film and theater maker Steve Baltzois has teamed up with the Topnotch Indie Producer David Phillips to break down the insider secrets in maximizing your business’ customer experience - on a budget AND in the context of this industry-shifting world.


  • Getting your business into a top-tier money making machine.
  • Showing you how to save $10,000 plus on pointless advertising costs - without begging for freebies and handouts from magazines, radio/TV personnel or sponsorships.
  • Ensuring your business/product/service has the highest chance of being seen by the potential audience (your customer) and the paying decision makers!  No more wondering if your product is even being spoken about!
  • Leveraging your customers' engagement and experience to secure repeat customers pushing your financial freedom forward.
  • Boosting your sales by over 4 times what you are currently doing now!
  • Attaining a return of over 350% growth of your current income for every $1 invested.

Events each year
% growth rate each week
Avg video views p/wk
Years Exp.
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